Hello again all, today's blog is a round up of our day out at Worsborough Country Park, and my word what a day it was!
We all pronounce things different, so I am sticking with the Wuzzbura one on this! 3 big walks in 3 days have made me very lazy, even with words.
We were stuck between going to our good friend the RSPB's site Old Moor at Dearne Valley, or Worsborough, we decided to go for the latter, I think we decided by toss of a coin, but the coin landed on the floor, and came back mossy side up. It was a weird coin.
We both had a few reservations about this country park, basically we knew there were species here, but didn't expect to see much.
What we found were more species in a day than you could see if we walked from here to Shrewsbury and back with another 30 pairs of eyes!
Anyway here we go, we won't go into as much detail about each species as there were so many to see, but as ever the links on the left hand side will provide you with more information, if that floats your boat.
So as it stands our total of species seen each for the past couple of years stand like this-
Sam did go to America for a month and cheat with the totals *cough*.
Anyway Arthur, back to Worsborough-
The place itself revolves around a very large resevoir, with open footpath all the way around, making it quite easy to stroll, even for the local Grandad types we saw on our way around.
So our species list, I will try to do it in alphabetical order, as basically that is how it is saved on our identification application(got an app for that!)
We had the lovely charm of seeing a single Blackcap, a bird that is obviously named, for appearing to wear a er, well a black cap!
Before I go on, I will just throw in that the lake is full of Mallards, watching a lovely gentlemen and his Sonny feeding them was like a scene from Oliver, who would have thought a greedy Mallard would come back for more? Oh wait, all of us!
The area is not just abundant with different species, but it is quite prolific with the amount of numbers of some species there.
We spotted over 20 Blue Tits, not far off the same amount of Great Tits, 30+ Canada Geese (they may be nasty at times but they have a mean laugh).
Again we were blessed with a bird that is fast becoming our favourite bird, the Goosander. We managed to spot 8 Redheads(female) and two Drakes(male). There is something about these water dwelling birds that is loveable, yet quite comical with the long chiselled beak, and the juddering neck/head movement (see photo below).
Back to the Tit family. We saw another 5 Coal Tit's, 3 Willow Tit, 1 Marsh Tit, and over 10 Long-Tailed Tit's. So all in all the Tit's were spread out, but we managed to cover most of them in the area!
And here's for something completely different. Well for what we see around where we live daily anyway!
In one day we managed to get the big 3! And when I say that I mean the Great Spotted Woodpecker, The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, and the Green Woodpecker. The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, or LSW if you want to be called, was only heard, but that is normally the case with these elusive birds. To be quite honest, we still can't get over seeing/hearing all three of these in one day!
Other species we don't normally see in our back garden that we saw on this walk include the lovely Wren, which may or may not have been looking out for an old Blue Tit nestbox to relax in, which is something that is well heard of around the whole of the country. We also can't forget the graceful Grey Heron we saw, though not sure if we wanted to see it doing its toilet business! A massive spot for me (Jam) was a solo Treecreeper, and my word you can tell why they get their name.
Our best supporting cast awards would go to the lovely speckled Mike the Mistle Thrush, Russy brighter than rust Bullfinch and Larry, Moe and Curly the lovely 3 Linnets we saw!
Another couple of amazing spots we don't want to forget [but possibly one of the two would want to forget if the other clapped eyes on it!] is the wonderful Peregrine Falcon and the hard to spot Water Vole. Peregrines seem to take third place out of birds of prey sightings around where we live, following behind the Sparrowhawk and the well recognised Kestrel which we see in abundance. And to see a Water vole, especially due to the predation it suffers from other British Mammals, let alone the hunting by invasive species such as the Mink, well it is always nice to see!
Before I finish I want to give a little nod to a couple more species we saw there. Two Golden Plover, and one Lapwing.Both amazing visitors through autumn and winter, and it was even more lovely to see them back on our resevoirs after the winter cold snap, which reduced an awful lot of their places of interest to sheer ice. So hats off to the lovely species.
We both hope you have enjoyed our blog again, and whatever you do don't forget to do the RSPB's big garden birdwatch next weekend, if you have the time.
All the best, and happy wildlife hunting.
Sam & Jam x

Sunday, 23 January 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
A library, some swings, and the odd Goosander!
Tuesdays stroll took us to our local park at Hillsborough. Hillsborough Park was created in 1897 by the Dixon Family, who built Hillsborough Hall. It is now owned by Sheffield City Council and the hall is used as a library. Although in the centre of a suburban area and overlooked by The Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground, Hillsborough Park has hidden areas where wildlife is abundant such as the fishing lake and a walled garden next to the library with plenty of trees and bushes for small birds to feed on and a small wildlife pond.
After seeing on the Sheffield Bird Study Group [http://www.sbsg.org/] that several female Goosanders, known as Redheads due to their appearance and a Goosander drake had been spotted on the pond we decided to have a look!
We took the dog along for the ride hoping that she wouldn't scare the ducks too much...or them scare her! We started off walking around the path around the large grassed area in the park and soon spotted a pied wagtail in a muddy area looking for a snack! As we approached the pond we could see the usual suspects such as Mallards, Canada Geese, Moorhens and Coots and two of the unusual looking Muscovy Ducks.
Tuesdays stroll took us to our local park at Hillsborough. Hillsborough Park was created in 1897 by the Dixon Family, who built Hillsborough Hall. It is now owned by Sheffield City Council and the hall is used as a library. Although in the centre of a suburban area and overlooked by The Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground, Hillsborough Park has hidden areas where wildlife is abundant such as the fishing lake and a walled garden next to the library with plenty of trees and bushes for small birds to feed on and a small wildlife pond.
After seeing on the Sheffield Bird Study Group [http://www.sbsg.org/] that several female Goosanders, known as Redheads due to their appearance and a Goosander drake had been spotted on the pond we decided to have a look!
We took the dog along for the ride hoping that she wouldn't scare the ducks too much...or them scare her! We started off walking around the path around the large grassed area in the park and soon spotted a pied wagtail in a muddy area looking for a snack! As we approached the pond we could see the usual suspects such as Mallards, Canada Geese, Moorhens and Coots and two of the unusual looking Muscovy Ducks.
Muscovies are the only domestic ducks that are not derived from mallard stock. Wild muscovies coloration is black and white, but domestication has produced many different colours. They also have a bright red crest around their eyes and above the beak.
As we circled the pond we spotted what we had hoped for, Goosanders. Nestled next to one of the islands in the pond we saw seven Redheads and the one drake. They seemed very comfy by the island so unfortunately we didn't get to see them too close up but were more than pleased with our sighting.
We also managed to spot two female and one male Tufted Duck. Tufted Ducks are a bird that are normally pigeon-holed as a different coloured Mallard to the casual dog walker, however on close inspection, you can see why they have the name 'Tufted' Duck. Like a slicked back 1980's hairstyle, the tuft is very easilly seen on the heads of both male and females, with the males showing off with the longer tuft to accompany its blazen white side panels compared to the more dull light brown colour of the female.
After our walk with the waterfowl we ventured to the walled gardens which were the secret garden style private gardens of the Dixon Family at Hillsborough Hall in the 1800's. As we walked towards the wildlife pond where newts can be spotted we heard a very territorial grey squirrel shouting at another in the next tree! It was either territorial, or rabid, either way we didn't want to get any closer to it!
Ever present Blue Tits and Blackbirds were fluttering about either above us in the trees, or scavenging around the floor.
Then to our surprise(Especially me, Sam, as it was my first sighting!) a Waxwing flew over our heads towards a part of the garden that was even more secret, basically it was locked so we couldn't get in!
With our necks still transfixed backwards looking to the sky, we were lucky to see a graceful Grey Heron fly above, no doubt back to its tree to roost for the night, either that or it fancied a game of crown green bowling on the lawns bang behind where we were.
It just goes to show that even the more run of the mill places, like a local park can be ram packed with wildlife. You just have to squint that little bit more!
As always any new species that we have mentioned in this blog will be detailed at the left hand side of the page, just click on the name and you will be able to find out all the information you want, well apart from what their favourite film is, or shirt collar size.
All the best, and happy wildlife watching
Sam & Jam x
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Post-Festive Greetings!
First of all we both hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and you have managed to shake the cobwebs off by now!
We have been a little quiet with the blog the past few weeks, but I am sure you can all understand the shopping trips, family visits, numerous turkey sandwiches and hazy headed mornings take up a fair bit of time.
This blog is going to be more about the birds we see in our urban areas, so in our gardens and streets. And we have a couple of website links that you could join in with to help out in certain areas of bird monitoring.
So to start off, our garden feeders have been very busy over the festive period, full of birds we have mentioned before, and a few new ones for you have a gander at (sorry for the pun, I can promise you we haven't had any geese in our gardens, well, not that we have seen).
Every morning when we open the kitchen door, we are met by a wall of sound that an awful lot of you will recognise, the sound of the House Sparrow. There's plenty of them around, and we even have a particular feeder out just for sparrows, so the Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves don't devour everything, or knock it onto the floor like they are quite skilled at!People may have got Wood Pigeons mixed up with Collared Doves in the past, or vice versa, but the Collared Dove is smaller, and has quite a distinctive black mark around the back of its neck. So the next time you think you see a run of the mill Wood Pigeon, have a better look, as you could be looking at something different!
Other notable visitors to our garden include the Pied Wagtail, Blackbird, Greenfinch, Great tit, Blue Tit and the Starling.
As a side note before I go on, this is the best time of year to watch large flocks or 'murmurations' of starlings before they roost for the night. They can number upto a million, and are an extravaganza in itself to watch.
The BBC nature website has a good write up about this, and also a video to go along with it, heres the link-
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/2010/11/a-very-british-spectacle.shtml .
This Autumn and Winter has had a very large influx of a very attractive looking bird, with a hairstyle most American soldiers still sport now I think, that bird would be he Waxwing. The appearance of the birds feathers help you realise why they get their name. You may have seen these in your garden, stripping berries from trees, then moving onto the next tree, then the next, then the next, like a avian version of a locust colony you could say! see picture below:
Another lovely surprise was the appearance of two little Sparrow sized birds, called Reed Bunting's. I have never seen them in my garden before, but many reports have been made that they have started to venture into peoples gardens a lot more, and I was very lucky to have two of the little blighters! They are similar to a sparrow, as you will be able to tell if you click on the link provided on the species list at the side.
Anyhows, now is time for you to get involved, if you see fit too!
For over a 30 years the RSPB have been doing a big garden birdwatch, where you guys spend an hour of your day on either the last Saturday or the last Sunday of this month, identifying and counting all the feathered friends you see in your own garden. It is a very good initiative all around, as it's fun for you to do, and its also very helpful for the RSPB, knowing what sort of birds, how many they are in certain gardens, in certain areas of the UK! SO here is the link, hope you have fun doing it!
For any of you wanting to help out on a more long term basis, the BTO do certain surveys and bird counting programmes you can do all year round, if you have a look at their website at http://www.bto.org/ .
That is all for the time being folks other than advising you to check out the link on the right hand side for the British garden birds website so you can help identify some of the other birds you may see!
so we hope all of you have had as good a start to 2011 as we have.
Sam and Jam x
We have been a little quiet with the blog the past few weeks, but I am sure you can all understand the shopping trips, family visits, numerous turkey sandwiches and hazy headed mornings take up a fair bit of time.
This blog is going to be more about the birds we see in our urban areas, so in our gardens and streets. And we have a couple of website links that you could join in with to help out in certain areas of bird monitoring.
So to start off, our garden feeders have been very busy over the festive period, full of birds we have mentioned before, and a few new ones for you have a gander at (sorry for the pun, I can promise you we haven't had any geese in our gardens, well, not that we have seen).
Every morning when we open the kitchen door, we are met by a wall of sound that an awful lot of you will recognise, the sound of the House Sparrow. There's plenty of them around, and we even have a particular feeder out just for sparrows, so the Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves don't devour everything, or knock it onto the floor like they are quite skilled at!People may have got Wood Pigeons mixed up with Collared Doves in the past, or vice versa, but the Collared Dove is smaller, and has quite a distinctive black mark around the back of its neck. So the next time you think you see a run of the mill Wood Pigeon, have a better look, as you could be looking at something different!
Other notable visitors to our garden include the Pied Wagtail, Blackbird, Greenfinch, Great tit, Blue Tit and the Starling.
As a side note before I go on, this is the best time of year to watch large flocks or 'murmurations' of starlings before they roost for the night. They can number upto a million, and are an extravaganza in itself to watch.
The BBC nature website has a good write up about this, and also a video to go along with it, heres the link-
http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/natureuk/2010/11/a-very-british-spectacle.shtml .
This Autumn and Winter has had a very large influx of a very attractive looking bird, with a hairstyle most American soldiers still sport now I think, that bird would be he Waxwing. The appearance of the birds feathers help you realise why they get their name. You may have seen these in your garden, stripping berries from trees, then moving onto the next tree, then the next, then the next, like a avian version of a locust colony you could say! see picture below:
Another lovely surprise was the appearance of two little Sparrow sized birds, called Reed Bunting's. I have never seen them in my garden before, but many reports have been made that they have started to venture into peoples gardens a lot more, and I was very lucky to have two of the little blighters! They are similar to a sparrow, as you will be able to tell if you click on the link provided on the species list at the side.
Anyhows, now is time for you to get involved, if you see fit too!
For over a 30 years the RSPB have been doing a big garden birdwatch, where you guys spend an hour of your day on either the last Saturday or the last Sunday of this month, identifying and counting all the feathered friends you see in your own garden. It is a very good initiative all around, as it's fun for you to do, and its also very helpful for the RSPB, knowing what sort of birds, how many they are in certain gardens, in certain areas of the UK! SO here is the link, hope you have fun doing it!
For any of you wanting to help out on a more long term basis, the BTO do certain surveys and bird counting programmes you can do all year round, if you have a look at their website at http://www.bto.org/ .
That is all for the time being folks other than advising you to check out the link on the right hand side for the British garden birds website so you can help identify some of the other birds you may see!
so we hope all of you have had as good a start to 2011 as we have.
Sam and Jam x
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